Monday, May 11, 2015

Goals May 11th, 2015

Alright lot's of irl stuff came up last week which pretty much killed my time to work on things. Still I did manage to sneak in a small bit of work from my coder where he got the coding done for displaying the correct characters stats on the battle screen. I've taken a quick screen snip of it below! (Yes I know it's really thrilling stuff! lol). That said, he is working full time now so progress will be slow but steady (I'll try to cram in as much stuff as possible when he is free tho). I've also been reading up on java so I should be able to help out (at least a little) soon.

As for goals:
  • Get the party setup done
  • Get a basic enemy setup done
  • Tweak how the display is handled to help it better maintain the layout on different resolutions

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