Monday, December 29, 2014

Newish Outbreak Twine Update

A bit delayed thanks to the holidays, sorry lol. Still nothing too major, but here is the change log:

*Altered how shields and health were coded
*Added in some of the Key/Misc Terms
*Renamed the Key/Misc Terms to the Gameplay Help page
*Fixed a few more coding mistakes
*Overhauled the inventory setup to allow the player to upgrade perks/change weapons whenever they are not in combat rather than the old approach which would have been forcing all changes to happen within your camp
*Weapon setup is now partially done
*Armor setup is now partially done
*Added 3 Dream Scenes to the story - 9 additional pages (which one you get to exp is dependent on your chosen backgrounds)
*Combat is partially setup (not testable in this version tho)

Download link will be updated soon.

I thought I uploaded it the other day, so I kept working on it. I forgot the upload tho, so next update will include this one and the next. Sorry!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Outbreak Twine Update

Still setting up framework stuff, but the character creation and the character info page have been improved. Still a few more bits to get set up/finished before I can continue. Hopefully it won't be too much longer. Anyway check it out under the My Games section and should you have any issues post it here to ensure I don't miss it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Outbreak Twine Game Preview Release

Still pretty rough, but the initial setup stuff is now mostly there. Still playing around with the stats + tweaking scenes, but enough is there to give you a quick taste of where it's going. Just saying don't be too shocked if things change a bit more in future versions.

So check out the Outbreak page for the download link to give it a go. Also should you encounter anything major issue wise, let me know in the comments below and I'll try and see it fixed in the next build.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

Quick Site Update

Following some requests:
Added/created my official Dev twitter feed on the right that will ONLY post my game news, tutorials, and updates. No more will you have to suffer my personal business lol.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Dark Souls Victory Text Mod

Just a quick text/graphic tweak for the game Dark Souls on the PC. I wanted the original "You Defeated" victory message back, but the DS troll in me wanted moar.



My apologies to those who were interested in it, and especially to the guy/gal who donated $20 a long time ago. Some of the core Ideas will be carried over as an optional update for another project in your honor though so hopefully I can still make it up to ya. If not know that I learned quite a bit on what NOT to do for the future. Mistakes were made, and I hope to do everything I can to not repeat them again.

Rush: Tactics

In need of a redesign. On hold, until current projects are done.

Quick Summary:
Rush Tactics is a game similar to the old school side scrolling beat ‘em ups such as Double Dragon or more recent titles like Castle Crashers. However, unlike these older games, several key elements of strategy are included, such as: Fort vs Fort cannon support, unit management, structure placement + creation, and party/fort customization. Add in a few final touches of TD (tower defense) game play and you should get the basic idea behind this. 

More info to come as we get closer to finishing more features!

Nothing yet! Sorry about that.


My list of Games that I'm currently working on:
Mods/Tweaks I still have up to date copies of:

Finally listing all my games in one place, I thought about including some more of my past mods, but I don't have links to the current versions for a lot of 'em, only REALLY old aka useless copies. Oh well, I'll add more here if I find anything good lol.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Low Res Material Post Process Effect

Finally got that video uploaded of setting this guy up.

Description from the video:
Yay finally done after 5-6 glitched audio recordings! But anyway, In this tutorial I'm going to go over setting up a low res/retro effect that you guys requested I cover.

I'll show you how to setup the material, the material instance, and the post process volume. Hopefully I covered everything I needed to, but if there are any screw ups on my part, then feel free to let me know and I'll try to correct it.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

UE4 Tutorials

Just a quick listing of my UE4 Tutorials:

Sharing Variables and between your character and the HuD, and some Basic HuD animation

UE4 LowRes Post Process Effect 

Camera System (TBA)

Post Process Area Masking  (TBA)

Also in case I forget to add them here (I noticed some are missing already), please check out my UE4 playlist to find all of my UE4 content.

Donate Here

Just a link from other projects I have for people who want to donate for whatever reason: