Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Drunken/Drugged Camera Post Process + Kismet Effect

Here's a video of what we'll be making:

Pretty cool right? While there's still some more tweaking to do that could really spice it up, I'll be saving that for later so I can get this tutorial out sooner rather than later. Alright well let's begin.

Step One
Make a new empty map or load up whatever map you're using just so we can demo the effect as we're making it. Once there you'll need to make a new material in your package of choice. The package you use isn't too important, just place where you'll be able to find it later (For example one of the groups I use is called Materials just to keep them all in the same place). Once this is done your new material window should pop up, name it something appropriate (I named mine Drunk_Effect). Now at the material editor we begin step two.

Step Two
First thing up is to setup the material settings. Set blend mode to translucent, and lighting model to unlit. This is important to do, because otherwise it won't work right or at all.

Moving on, now let's make the actual effect itself.

Step Three
Alright here's the first section.

I've highlighted all the correct values on each node, but I'll break it down a bit just to help you understand what's happening. Oh! and before I forget you'll be needing a cloud texture to use for this, you can make one fairly easily in photoshop or use one downloaded from the internet. Up to you :)

Back to the nodes though, these are what actually cause the screen distortion seen in the video above. It's incredibly similar to the distortion effects for underwater effects. But yeah first things first, starting from the right.

We have a texture coordinate set to two for U/V tiling. This breaks it up a bit by tiling the texture more to add some more variation to the effect. Then it is plugged into a rotator, this does exactly what the name implies, and causes the effect to spin. Next we connect that to our Cloud texture UV which is hooked into a mask to start the wavy distortion effect. The mask is then put into a multiply node with a value of .05. And finally plugged into an Add node. On the other side of the add node, we start with the Screen Position, which is set to align (Very Important), and then plugged into a mask just like we did below it. This is then hooked into a multiply node with a value of .975. The output is then added into our Add node and we're almost done with this part. Click the scene texture sample we added and make sure it's set to screen align otherwise you may get some issues with it.

Step Four
Highlight all of what we did by Ctrl-Alt dragging to select it all and create a copy a little lower down. We just have a few tweaks to make and it'll be good to go. Here's the setup for the other part:

Notice that while it's fairly similar, certain values have become negative ones. This is going to help add some more variation to the effect once we merge the two parts in the next step.

Step Five
Now we're going to combine the two effects. Here's the setup:

First thing we'll do is connect our two previous setups to the Linear Interpolate node, plug the first one we made into A and the second we made into B. For the Alpha we will simply use a constant one with a value of 0.5 to combine them evenly. Next I made a constant 4, though you could just use a constant 1 again, as I was just fooling around with some ideas that I didn't have time to complete. But anyway, set it to 1 or white for this. And this is important, right click it and convert it to a parameter. Name it something you'll remember (I named it lights) and then finally plug it into the multiply node and that multiply node into the emissive. With that our material effect is just about done, so make sure to press the green check mark in the top left to apply all the work we did so far.

Step Six
With your material selected in the content browser, right click it and select create new material instance. Name it whatever you like, and we're onto the post process side of things. First thing to do is create a new post process chain, again name it whatever you like (I named mine Drunk_Effect_PP).

Once inside you'll want to right click and add new material effect. Once added you should see this:

Now go back into your content browser (don't close out of what we were doing yet), and select your material instance. Now with it selected go back to your post process chain and click  on the green arrow under Material Effect. This will place our material effect for use in the post process chain. Next up we have to setup/add the Uber Post Process Effect node.

Step Seven
Now we need to configure the Uber node, so here's my setup with it:

If I recall correctly, I mostly just edited the bloom for this, but I showed everything else I altered as well in case you really want things to match up. Now with this done, you could hook up some ambient occlusion after it, but that's not essential for the effect so I won't be covering it here. With that done though, you can now go into view, view world properties, and with your post process chain selected, click the green arrow for World Process Chain under the rendering section to see the effect so far on your level/map.

Step Eight
Now for us to make some camera sway effects, this can be done by following this:
TBA In progress...Sorry about that lol. Hope to get these last parts finished soon, that is as soon as I can get a video recorder capable of recording the editor screen without glitching to walk you through these last steps. I'll hopefully have it sooner rather than later though, though if someone can suggest a decent program for it I'd be pretty happy.
Edit - Nvm I found one :)

If you use this please give me the proper credit somewhere for the effect. Maybe throw a link to this page if possible. I give you nice things, so return the favor please lol.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Game Reviews

See Below:
(Placeholders for Reviews)



See Below:
(Placeholders for Comics)

Lost in Translation Series
Always eat your Vegetables
Full Moon
Well that Escalated Quickly
Fire Escape

UDK Tutorials

See Below:
(Placeholders for future tuts)

Particle System Rain Effect
Drunken/Drugged Camera Post Process Effect

Goals/Plans and other Stuff

Starting this blog with the goal of having it hold all my random artistic/game dev scribblings. Maybe other stuff too, but more on that when/if it comes up lol. Alright, with that aside, enjoy the (atm) empty blog as much as you like :)